2013 Homerun Derby Official Rules
Entry Fee is $100
Must pick 7
players for your roster (everyone has access to the same player pool)
The 2012 HR
totals of those 7 players CAN NOT equal more than 167
Your roster is
due Wednesday March 27th @ 9PM, NO EXCEPTIONS
The league fee is
due by opening day, March 31st. NO EXCEPTIONS
There are NO
drop/adds, even if a player is out for the season/suspended
If in the 1 week
period between the roster deadline and the start of the season a player is injured,
you CAN change that player
Rookies and
players with no MLB HR total from a year ago are NOT eligible
Standings will be
posted on hrderby11.blogspot.com, they will updated daily unless I’m on
10) In the event that there is a play-in game for the
playoffs, those HR totals will not count
11) It is
encouraged that all players keep track of there own teams and report any
discrepancies immediately
12) There are 8
ways to win. Here is an example of the breakdown on the assumption we get 100 players.
Final payouts will be sent out prior to the season and will be determined by
the number of entries:
$500 to top HR
total per month (April, would include March 31st games, May, June,
July, August, September)
$2000 to most HR’s
at the All-Star break
$5000+ to most HR
total at the end of the year (if we get more than 100 entries we would tack
extra money onto end of year winner)
13) For all ties
prize money will be split up evenly
14) Entry sheet
must be printed out and handed in with your entry fee or emailed to HRDerby11@gmail.com.
15) Any questions
please contact Mike @ HRDerby11@gmail.com
16) There will be a 10% league maintenance fee. Last year
we had 121 entries.